So much has happened these past few months! Crazyness. I've experienced numerous blessings. Just to give yall a run down. I have several projects on that I have spent months working on that have or will be finally hitting air.
First is the Garth Trinidad Project, which features Common and the Lovely beautiful Jill Scott, and the hot up and coming duo J*Davey. It will air hopefully sometime next month. The link is listed, if you look below. Or when you get a moment just go to my profile and it will immediately play there. www.current.com/people/spiral9
I also have another piece called Cuddle Party that is also on Current TV Rotation, Peep it when you get a moment :)
I'm back in Los Angeles, for some of you that didn't know I moved to San Francisco for a cool minute. But now I'm back ready for some action, get some big things poppin :)
I've decided that I will continue leaving updates on this blog. I know I've been terrible, but honestly i totally forgot my password. I finally was able to retrieve it. Woohoo for me!